Saturday, March 24, 2012

My own person ADHD

In the past two hours I have been BUSY - so far - decided I wanted to work on the bomb shelter (otherwise known as where the bomb went off in my house) to get my sewing room set up.  Picked up the mail that was laying on my desk, realized bills need to be paid - put them in a pile, but then remembered I needed to check account balance - computer was upstairs, convenient, logged in to check balance, noticed I had several e-mails, decided to 'weed out' - one fascinating one challenged me to head up a 6 or 7 state chapter of Sweet Potato Queens chapter - in preparation for our trip next year to the SPQ's Zippity -Doo-Dah yearly happening.  Knew I had made notes in one of the SWQ books, so jumped up to find that one - back into bomb shelter - picked up book, saw the paint in the corner that needed to be gone through and majority taken to hazardous waste recycling - laid book down, started going through paint, realized there were 3 different options for trim paint, which reminds me - I need to get the woodwork painted in the master bathroom so we can move the tub in.  Selected all trim paint and as I was going down the steps, remembered the paint sample I picked up yesterday for new color in dining room (still in the car).  Set trim paint down in hallway (asked the 'big dog' to shake it and went to mudroom to find paintbrush.  As I pass the laundry room door, realize the washer is closed, which means there are clothes in there.  Overcast, so I need to put laundry in dryer instead of hanging out (bummer).  Open dryer door and realize clothes in there need to be folded and put away - actually DID THAT right then and there.  Put into laundry basket at bottom of steps - look up and realize steps have more than enough tumbleweeds on them and they NEED to be vacuumed.  Vacuum cleaner in mudroom -  turn around and trip over paint cans.  Reminds me of paint in car, grab keys off table in foyer, head out to car, and wow - the sun is shining and there is a nice breeze - ok need to hang sheets up, instead of in dryer.  Get paint, begin shaking so it's ready as soon as I get in door.  Brushes still in mud room - on my way back - pass the washer - door now open, see sheets.  Grab brush - set brush and paint down in diningroom.  Decide I need music in order to paint, so turn cd player on,  pick up pile of cds to put away , need to be alphabetized - set stack down on table in hallway - see open washer - oh yeah - sheets - take one sheet out to clothesline, neighbor appears - begin chat about alien spaceship landing in our yard, where it's going to go, and what are those vines all along the fence line.  Begin shaping up forsythia and wisteria and picking up limbs from prior forsythia pruning job.  Stack branches in pile to take to street pick up area.

At this rate, it will take at least 10 hours to finish the projects that I have started, yes, my keys have gone awol, parts of vacuum on both floors, only one sheet is hanging on the line, there are three stacks of things to go upstairs which are blocking the access, one open paint can and wet brush drying out somewhere, computer has logged me out of my checking account, and I'm hungry, cranky and in need of a nap.

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